Sienna Miller talk shit della sua esperienza per american sniper, Bradley e Clint
Sienna Miller ! Ha una lista di ex fidanzati che pare il papiro su cui hanno scritto la prima versione de la bibbia ma fa anche un sacco di film tipo american sniper di cui non ne ha un buon ricordo perchè a quanto pare
…as the woman, you’re leant on so heavily for promotion in a way that men often aren’t. What you wear on a red carpet; how much press you have to do… They are going to get their money’s worth.”
SI enna si riferisce al fatto che Bradley Cooper (il protagonista du film) era a broadway subito dopo e non ha fatto la promozione e quindi hanno mandato lei a fare la maggioranza delle interviste a cani e e porcioni e non l’hanno pagata e ON TOP OF THAT, non era stata pagata “granchè” manco per il film
On the press tour for American Sniper, Bradley Cooper was committed to being on Broadway so Sienna ended up doing more media than him, even though it was basically his movie. Sienna says she was “alarmingly underpaid” not just for being in the film but also for taking on so much of the publicity. They gave her a bonus for the press tour but it was a joke considering what that movie’s box office turned out to be. How did they sell that to her?
They made her feel “grateful”, of course. Grateful to be working with Clint Eastwood, grateful to be considered for such an opportunity, so grateful that they practically asked her to market the movie for free
(fonte: lainey)
anche il bambolotto avrò fatto la promozione??? potevano mandare lui e basta