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Yeah Yeah, ma quali altri vip che di solito non sono apertamente pro Trump americani insospettabili voteranno TRUMP? la lista

Gossip Straniero

Yeah Yeah, ma quali altri vip che di solito non sono apertamente pro Trump americani insospettabili voteranno TRUMP? la lista

E non intendo i soliti Clint eastwood, o tipo che faceva il nipote di Fonzie o il padre di evilina, BUTT


Bassista dei Sex Pistols. Ma non è inglese? Bo, comunque, Vota trumpS anche lui

“I’d be daft as a brush not to. He’s the only sensible choice now that Biden is up – he’s incapable of being the man at the helm.”


Samaire Armstrong. Che ha fatto il Simona Ventura experience in faccia

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This is MY opinion. I am sharing it with you at the cost of everything, because it is my right. It is your right to refute it. * What I hope comes from this, is that we are able to have an open dialogue. * There are many thoughts and insight you may want to interject and provide. I encourage you to have factual data to support what your point is. * There are so many in our great country who have been bullied into silence at the doing of a far left mob. * Let’s shift back to reality and facts. Let’s stop placating to the emotionally undeveloped, who have an inability to process the meaning of personal responsibility, as if they are the cultural guide of which we should follow. * I encourage us all to stay grounded in these discussions. I am well aware how emotional and important what we are discussing is. * You can see in my video how passionate I am. I ask you to consider, why I would be coming out saying these things. How is it that I feel so confident about putting my “divisive” perspective in public. I am willing to gamble with what comes of my opinion, because I have conviction of its validity. * If nothing else, I hope this encourages you to speak YOUR opinion, no matter how unpopular it may be. * Freedom of speech must be restored. Logic must be restored. Critical thinking must be restored. * I have deep love for everyone of my fellow humans. Every race, color, creed, gender, political back ground, religious back ground, financial background, must have their OWN voice and opinion, and it MUST be allowed be to spoken.

A post shared by Samaire Armstrong {Saaaamerla} (@samaire.xoxo) on

pensa che comodo dormire con quegli zigomi, buahahaa.

tipo licenziato di Grey’s anatomy. Isahia washington

Tekashi 69

che é pure messicano

The man born Daniel Hernandez was asked if he ever voted (“Can felons vote?”) and who he would vote for. 6ix9ine mouthed that he “would vote for Trump.”

Padre di Moglie di Justin Bieber

Stephen Baldwin

che su twitter si chiama “psalm 91” , come il figlio di Kanye e Kim e l’anno in cui sono andata in gita con gli scout in trentino alto adige ( Make Gita Great Again)

Baldwin brother who backs President Trump coming to The Villages for event  -


Mike Tyson & Donald Trump: La strana coppia unita dagli scandali -
Quando Mike Tyson affrontò Donald Trump per questioni di cuore [Racconti  Marziali] - Fatti Marziali


dennis rodman


che io pensavo si scrivesse Al Cogan

hulk hogan

Tila Tequila

tila tequila trump supporter

whatever , io ancora mi devo riprendere da Hulk Hogan not being Al cogan

and this

Hulk Hogan ha sangue italiano: il nonno è di Vercelli › Sport

2 dic 2017 — Incredibile news dal mondo del wrestling: il leggendario Hulk Hogan ha un nonno nato a Cigliano.

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