what kind of an apology is that???

Ellen Degeneres è tornata in studio con il suo “Ellen” (non più quindi  dalla sua casa-con-vetrate-ovunque-tipo-quanto cazzo di-cif-usano-al-giorno.questi) ed ha subito iniziato parlando delle accuse rivoltele. La prima mossa è stata subito: Blame it on the producers

“As you may have heard, this summer there were allegations of a toxic work environment at our show and then there was an investigation. I learned that things happened here that never should have happened,” DeGeneres said. “I take that very seriously and I want to say I am so sorry to the people who were affected. I know that I’m in a position of privilege and power and I realized that with that comes responsibility, and I take responsibility for what happens at my show.”


“This is The Ellen DeGeneres Show. I am Ellen DeGeneres. My name is there, my name is there, my name is on underwear. We have had a lot of conversations over the last few weeks about the show, our workplace, and what we want for the future. We have made the necessary changes and today we are starting a new chapter.”


considerando che le accuse erano al 99% a lei all’un per cento al suo show (che i mean, do people even watch this stuff and why) ,Ellen ha anche diretto le sue attenzioni a ciò che si diceva su di lei in this hot hot covid drama summer


“There were also articles in the press and on social media that said that I am not who I appeared to be on TV, because I became known as the ‘be kind’ lady. And here’s how that happened: I started saying, ‘be kind to one another’ after a young man named Tyler Clementi took his own life after being bullied for being gay. I thought the world needed more kindness and it was a reminder that we all needed that, and I think we need it more than ever right now. Being known as the ‘be kind’ lady is a tricky position to be in. So let me give you some advice out there if anybody’s thinking of changing their title or giving yourself a nickname, do not go with the ‘be kind’ lady. Don’t do it. The truth is I am that person that you see on TV.”


Praticamente: hei, ho solo detto be nice, non è che ho detto che io l’avrei fatto. I’m Ellen, BYOTCH. Lol I don’t even need it!  Questa è la scusa più increidbile della storya e credo la userò anche io. Forevah


praticamente Ellen ha seguito il consiglio di howard stern – be a prick, Gurl. 



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