fantastica intervista di soon y :mia farrow abusava di me!

Sapete tutti del triangolo Woody allen /Mia farrow/ Soon y. Versione breve: un giorno Mia Farrow sta mettendo apposto dei cassetti di Woody (dove sono le domestiche quando servono??Juanita???donde estas???) e trova delle polaroid  della sua figlia adottiva, soon y previn, ignuda.

Passano quasi 30 anni, si arriva ai giorni nostri e a quel punto una  soon y in versione



prende per la prima volta il microfono – non aveva mai detto nulla, neanche all’epoca delle foto meno ben nascoste della storia –


per fare una dichiarazione shock su tutta la vicenda me too

The 47-year-old Previn — who infamously married her mum’s former lover, 82-year-old director Woody Allen — blasted the Rosemary’s Baby actress as an abusive tyrant who beat her with hairbrushes, called her “moronic” and would hold her upside down “because she thought . . . that blood going to my head would make me smarter or something.”

“I was never interested in writing a ‘Mommie Dearest,’ getting even with Mia — none of that,” Previn told New York magazine in an explosive interview.

“What’s happened to Woody is so upsetting, so unjust,” Previn said, referring to renewed press about sexual-abuse allegations leveled against him by his and Farrow’s daughter, Dylan Farrow.


“I remember the second I laid eyes on her,” Previn recounted to the magazine. “She came to me, and she threw her arms around me to give me a big hug. I’m standing there rigidly, thinking, ‘Who is this woman, and can she get her hands off of me?’

“She didn’t ring true or sincere.”

“Mia wasn’t maternal to me from the get-go.”

“There was a hierarchy — [Farrow] didn’t try to hide it, and Fletcher was the star, the golden child,” Soon-Yi Previn recalled. “Mia always valued intelligence and also looks, blond hair and blue eyes.”

Meanwhile, she and her adopted siblings were treated like “domestics,” Previn said.

“She tried to teach me the alphabet with those wooden blocks,” she said. “If I didn’t get them right, sometimes she’d throw them at me or down on the floor.”

Farrow slapped her adopted daughter across the face and spanked her with a hairbrush, often while calling her “stupid” or “moronic,” Previn claimed.

poi c’è il racconto di come lei e woody si sono baciati la prima volta guardando un film di bergman che salterei

ovviamente non è mancata la risposta di “figlia buona number one” Dylan, che già che c’è ci ricordala lista degli altri fratelly approved.


I’m grateful to my siblings for standing by me and my mother. Statement from Matthew Previn, Sascha Previn, Fletcher Previn, Daisy Previn, Ronan Farrow, Isaiah Farrow, and Quincy Farrow:

mmazza che nomi de merda-la creme de la creme del white power . praticamente se fosse una lista di nomi black sarebbe
I’m grateful to my siblings for standing by me and my mother. Statement from Matt’qwon Previn, Saschyana Previn, Jaxon Previn, Delilahileyelle Previn, Rasheydah Farrow, Isayahllayah Farrow, and Quinc’heaven Farrow:


  • Roar
    6 anni ago Reply

    ma perchè, Soon Y parla? Chi ha veramente dato sta intervista??’ E perchè? Per quanto ancora voleranno stracci tra sti due -Mia Farrow e Woody Allen intendo – tramite figli, of course?
    Domande a cui non si troverà una facile risposta.

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