stilista delle celebrita’ famosa chiama jennifer lopez “la peggiore con cui lavorare”

and to dress


jennifer-lopez-alex-rodriguez-celebrity-style - Over The Moon

Jennifer LHopez una difficile? questa si che e’ una news!!!!

Tamaran e’ una famosa stylist e prima ancora assitente di altre stylist (magari anche di sua maesta Rachel Zoe? I don’t know. Just asking. So che rz aveva BRAD e TAYLOR. Chi ha bisogno di altra gente con 2 unbereable people like them???)

Intervistata ha deciso di dire chi sono i peggiori e perche’. Spoiler: apparentemente, chiunque vada alle prove vestiti , in Hollywood, porta con se’ del cibo e lo consuma, proprio, mentre la vestono. Why not!

On JLo: I knew this one for years. There’s a reason why she can’t hold down a costumer or a seamstress. In order to talk to J Lo you can’t look at her. In order to talk to her you have to talk to God.

On Katherine Heigl: If 2020 was a career, it would be Katherine Heigl. Friends of mine who have worked on set with her and photoshoots have told me that she is extremely difficult and always mad.

On Jessica Alba: If 2020 was an attitude it would be Jessica Alba…she’s not nice. She loves to rub hummus on her dress, play mind games with you, [and] she does this thing where she talks to you while not talking to you.

On Alexis Knapp: There’s some celebrities who pay, some who take forever to pay, and some who just don’t pay because they think their name is enough. And out of the Pitch Perfect cast, that was Alexis Knapp. (Of her 2015 MTV Movie awards look) This was one of the most difficult looks to put together. Whilst being fitted in this dress, Alexis decided it would be wonderful to eat a slice of chocolate ice cream cake. Part of the cake melted onto the dress, and guess who had to clean it? Oh, but it gets better, (a designer lent Alexis $1,300 worth of jewelry) And let’s just say that she couldn’t “find it”. When my boss asked for payment, Alexis responded with, “I needed to pay you?”

On Marisa Tomei (whose appointment was at 9:30): Marisa didn’t wake up until 12:30 p.m., barely says hello, and proceeds to eat her breakfast of yogurt and granola

Katherine Heigl se non sapete chi e’ e’ un’attrice  ostracizzata da hollywood per aver detto che i film che faceva (molto incinta) e le serie (gray’s anatomy) erano una merda. Ma guess what? Lo erano.

In galleria: quando jlo era GHETTO  e sicuramente non aveva una stylist. LOL

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  • Roar
    5 anni ago Reply

    però che poco professionale a smerdare ex clienti… cioè alla fine una così non la assumeranno più, dato che il silenzio è la prima cosa che conta per i membri dello staff dei vari famosi

    • claudia mastro
      5 anni ago Reply

      Infatti credo non lavori più , cmq anche io preferirei spill the tea una volta ogni tanto soprattutto su gente che tutti considerano santa santa oh sataaa che lavorare .

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