STYLE BICCIS: il look di Drew Barrymore nel suo show : it’s kinda cool, right?
Lo show di Drew Barrymore, in onda su youtube, è un TOTALE TRIP. Le interviste sono tutte OMG I LOVE YOU e piene di moments leccaculos tra vip.
Qua é quando intervista il suo ex marito Tom Green- sono stati sposati tipo 10 gg or something.
lei nello show ha sempre la stessa camicietta in varie fantasie e il capello alla ROBERTA DI PADUA, GURL

btw drew ha detto che l’ex marito (non questo, will kopelman) l’ha lasciata
“I really did not take divorce well. I took it really hard.” She continued, “It took me five years to be able to speak with strength, articulation, perspective, hindsight, and see everything we did right. Because when we were getting divorced, it felt like everything was just wrong. I think that applies to everyone who thinks that something will be forever and it’s not.”
“It’s like, I don’t think I’ve recovered from that. I don’t know how to open that up again. It’s like something closed, and it stayed closed. I think I’m equally as scared to find love again as I would be as if it never happened.
His family and I sort of made the most important choice to be so together and united and connected,
Il marito per un pò stava con this smiley bitch here.