Salma Hayek ha un gufo che dorme con lei e svolazza per la camera tranquillamente, e ne è OSSESSIONATA

Hi baby
Ah! che bella news! Miss Gucci intervistata dice ha un ossessione per i gufi, per ora ne ha uno solo nella sua casa di Londra, insieme a due cani (ma nse lo magnano? che cany slow sono?)
“How many pets do you have?”
In London I have three, two dogs and one owl. [The owl is named] Kerring.
“Why do you have an owl?”
I became obsessed with the owls and dreaming about it. I said ‘can people have owls?’ It turns out in London you can, it’s legal. I said ‘are there any owls that need some rescue?’ I started doing some research and sure enough [you can].
Ma, anche a Latina puoi. Mo non stiamo sempre a parla bene solo di Londra, mettiamoci dentro anche Latina, eh, ogni tanto
Tornando al gufo kerring: le ha regalato un copricapo
She landed on my head [with a dead mouse]. I got her off [my head]. That’s where I draw the line. She does sleep in my room sometimes. Sometimes she lands on my leg, on my head.
La gufo dieta? topi ice cream e vino
You order [mice] and freeze them. They don’t drink any water. They don’t drink liquids, but there’s one kind of wine when we take it out, we have to cover the cups and she’ll dig in it. It’s not like she thinks it’s blood because the other red wine she doesn’t go for.
best bit: la mitica figlia ,Valentina, is not a fan, ma sti cazzi!
She doesn’t like the owl. There’s a lot of people in the house who don’t like the owl. And also she’s very quiet and you don’t know she’s there and she just flies and everybody screams. I love it when they scream.