Carmen Electra vuole che si riconosca che è lei ad aver creato lo SLUTDRESS!

Be, queste si che sono rivendicazioni serie!

“I had a stylist that would dress me in these sexy cut-up dresses and they were very revealing, and they were very forward,” the 48-year-old told People magazine on Friday.

“And at the time, it was shocking,” . “People were kind of like, ‘Whoa, what is that? That’s too sexy. We need to tone that down.’ Now everyone’s wearing cutouts and being creative with that.”

Carmen ha anche inventato le ciglia finte. E’ n’genio sta donna

“We were always experimenting, doubling [false] lashes, cutting,” she explained. “I mean, this is the early ‘90s. Nobody was really wearing them. So it was kind of like my special thing. I continued to wear them through the ‘90s, whenever I could. That was the real me.”

“I mean, honestly, when I went to the grocery store, I had lashes on,” Electra told the outlet. “Going to Bed, Bath and Beyond in latex. Latex and lashes. That was the ‘90s for me.”

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