Jessica Alba “quando sono nervosa, uso i cristalli”
Jessica Alba in mutande su women’s health ci dice che:
Fa le riunioni di lavoro da dentro l’armadio come lino banfi “This is where I take my meetings. Total privacy. I don’t need to hear my kids, and they don’t need to hear me.”
dorme una merda: “I often would wake up in the middle of the night with that heart-beating-fast, drenched-in-sweat, three-in-the-morning panic.
vuole bene ai suoi figli “ real joy comes from the moments when, you know, we’re playing a game with the kids at dinner, or when [son] Hayes wants to show us his latest trick on the scooter, or from our family walks. That’s the stuff that truly matters.”
quando hai mal di testa? ma che oki, mettite un bel cristallo in fronte e passa la paura : Amethyst, pyrite, selenite, citrine, rose quartz—you name ’em, Jessica’s probably got ’em. “This is just a regular quartz…you know, standard issue.” She named a line of Honest lip glosses after different crystals, and she recently bought a crystal grid—a sunburst-shaped art piece meant to distribute energy—on Etsy. (It hangs on the wall of her closet office.) “When I’m feeling anxious, I hold on to a crystal and do breathing exercises and try to focus on the energy of love, kindness, and calming.”
mentre aspetta il caffe si fa una maschera e se riempie di labello: “In the mornings, I put on a face mask and a thick swipe of lip balm so I can be under this layer of hydration while I’m getting my coffee.
é vegana 4 giorni a settimana “Four days a week, I try to eat plant-based, and I don’t drink alcohol,” she says. “Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, all bets are off. That feels like moderation to me.”
che sgoop