L’ultima stagione di Keeping Up with the Kardashian parlerà del divorzio Kim / Kanye e mostrerà scene dei due che discutono
A source with knowledge of their show — which is ending after more than a decade-long run and 20 seasons on E! later this year — said the disintegration of Kim and Kanye’s marriage will feature heavily in the final storyline as they make their exit from the reality show.
The source said, “the Kardashians intend to go out with a bang. They’ve filmed Kim discussing her marriage problems. But everybody involved is on a nondisclosure agreement, because the finale won’t screen until later in 2021.”
le fonti di Kanye nel frattempo fanno sapere che se Kim non ce la faceva piu’ di Kanye, bè, pure Kanye non è che se la passava un bijou a dover sopportare l’onnipresente e onnifastidiosa Kris Jenner, una delle matriarche meno piacevoli dai tempi di Stephanie Forrester!
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A separate source said Kanye is fine with his upcoming divorce. “He understands Kim’s side has to spin that she is sick of him. In reality, he’s been sick of being involved with [the] Kardashians for a long while. Especially her mother [Kris Jenner], who looms large in all big decisions she makes.”