Kim e Kanye hanno un prenup di ferro, gli amici di lei odiano la sua casa

Very probably Kanye terrà la Mega Mansion sans mobili da lui ideata (ma col cacchio pagata! cos’ha lui, 20 mila lire ?) dove i due abitano anche perchè pare che Kim la odii.

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Image result for kim kardashian house pictures
Image result for kim kardashian house pictures
Image result for kim kardashian house pictures
Image result for kim kardashian house pictures
Image result for kim kardashian house pictures
Image result for kim kardashian house pictures

Kim is asking for joint legal and physical custody, but that doesn’t automatically mean it’s a 50/50 split. Joint custody can be whatever the parents agree to, and historically, Kim cares for the children the lion’s share of the time and that’s not expected to change. Kim feels Kanye is a great dad, and Kanye knows Kim’s a great mom as well.

i bambini non li vole nessuno! ahahah

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