Le prime recensioni su House of Gucci non sono proprio il top
Mentre alla prima di Milano lady gaga piange insieme a marchisio davanti la presenza di ilary blasi e altri (ora capisco il pianto), i pochi eletti che l’hanno gia visto in anteprima si esprimono sul film : è davvero oscar worthy o un altra roba no sense come quando volevano candidare Jennifer Lopez ?
Full reviews arrive on November 22 but so far these comments are diametrically opposed to each other at points. One person said it gave him Godfather vibes. Here go hell come for him because the movie-buff crowd is gonna eat him up for that comparison. Another called it “an overwrought slog without any discernible direction.” Others praised Gaga and Adam’s chemistry, and Al Pacino got called the “MVP.” But Jared Leto’s performance seemed to be the most controversial of the bunch. Someone called him “cartoonish” while another person said it was his “best since his Oscar win.” The fuck? Pick a lane. But hey, regardless of what you think of his performance, you will get to see Jared piss on a Gucci scarf while dressed in fancy The Penguin drag, so… if that’s something you’re into.
pisciate su una sciarpa d gucci? I’m ON!
Scott Menzel@ScottDMenzelHouse of Gucci is a bloated & uneven mess that feels like two different movies rolled in one. Every single cast member acts as though they are in a different movie except for Al Pacino, who seems to have understood the assignment and serves as the film’s MVP. #HouseofGucci
ANCHE l’amabilmente chiamato brandon KATZ non è un fan
#HouseofGucci is an overwrought slog without any discernible direction. Too many narrative focuses stacked on top of one another. Glitzy talented names hamming it up in wealth porn can be fun, but not enough to save the movie from its own messiness
ed ecco qualcuno che finalmente punta il mio stesso problema: 2 ore e mezza?????? dove il più sobrio è AL PACINO?
Lacking in energy, style & camp, HOUSE OF GUCCI plods through deadly serious drama for 2.5 hours with an uneven tone. Lady Gaga, Adam Driver & Al Pacino deliver, but a cartoonish Jared Leto feels like he’s in a different film. A disappointingly mediocre effort from Ridley Scott.
sono *abbastanza* contenta perchè vabbè tutto nella vita ma lady gaga e jared leto che hanno 4 oscar in due anche evitabile come cosa
in coda: interviste in cui il cast sembra odiarsi e al pacino è di 3 gradazioni più scuro di tutti
più intervista in cui lady gaga e adam driver fanno finta di farsi i complimenti e lei ha i connotati da quarta sorella selassiè