omg : gina, kelly e donna di beverly hills 90210 stanno litigando online!!!
In Beverly hills 90210 gina era Bitchy con sua cugina D’Honna e era ancora più HO-rrible con il suo fidanzato Dylan, nonostante lui le organizzasse cose iperbelle come una serata romantica con il mito anni 90 MONICA al peach pit by night (che culo!)
ma Vanessa Mercil giura che quella era solo alta recitazione, le vere bitch IRL erano ancora una volto loro: tori ugly one spelling e Jenny “bitch,please” Garth! AWRRR!!!

“I was so hurt when I was working there that I felt like I was sideswiped by the cattiness and not being liked. I wasn’t expecting it, because I had really nice experiences working before that,” said Marcil. “This was all new to me. One day on set, Jennie Garth said to me, ‘Maybe it would help if you didn’t walk around like somebody who isn’t liked?'”
Jen ha subito negato tutto e Tori ha aggiunto “I can’t imagine young jennie off-set being so presumptive or bold to say I know what you should do”. Tori, vacci piano, che se jen si ferma all’improvviso mentre cammina ti rimane la lingua incastrata!
Vanessa aggiunge che si è licenziata proprio in seguito a questo shitty ambient
“They let me go, finally, they knew I was unhappy,” she added.
ma obvi il duo non ci sta e dicono: andata via? more like non confermata mai! AH! LOVE THIS ALREADY
“Did she leave the show?” asked Tori. “I’m aware that she stopped being on the show, I was not aware that she ‘left’ the show. I just don’t remember that character going on. Maybe I remember wrong, rarely.”
le tre si incontreranno (pare) soon in un podcast per lanciarsi altri bonboloni andati a male. OMG, can hardly wait, nel frattempo: gina che asfalta brian austin green/david silver! un classico!